Morning routine supercharge for motivation, and Block Scheduling.

I followed some advice from several sources, regarding taking up study in the morning time.

One person recommended getting up early and reading, which was a bridge too far for me, and early in the morning.  I tend my readings after mid-day.

Another person suggested audiobooks, which sounds easy enough, but expensive.

I modified the advice to include podcasts, and I have my devotionals and so forth among the audio tracks, and some other: productivity, side hustles, small business, finance, philosophy.

Its made quite a difference so far in my work stack, leading me to more clarity throughout the day.

Also: Google Podcasts is going kaput early 2024.  They promise a migration tool for users, however.

Another technique I've taken up is block scheduling.

Say a two hour block devoted to one subject.

Or a three hour block devoted to one subject, and not just steady work, but also brainstorming and so forth: whatever is needed.

